Beth Vogel Taylor - MIT Concourse


Faculty & TA's

BethVogel Taylor

Beth Vogel Taylor

Senior Lecturer


Beth Vogel Taylor, a Senior Lecturer in Concourse, joined the Concourse Program in 2014 to teach general and organic chemistry. In addition to teaching in Concourse, Beth has taught in the Chemistry Department (5.111, 5.36, and 5.12) and is a facilitator in the Teaching Certificate Program for graduate students and postdocs through the MIT Teaching and Learning Laboratory. Beth completed her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in the Imperiali laboratory at MIT after graduating from Hamilton College with a major in Chemistry and a minor in English. Prior to joining Concourse, Beth was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Instructor and Associate Director of the Drennan Education Lab. Beth’s research and teaching interests focus on creating and assessing resources to bring the excitement of research into the classroom and to increase the exposure of undergraduates to the research of women and people of color. Beth is also involved in teaching assistant training for the Chemistry Department and is a member of the MIT-Haiti Initiative. Beth lives in Cambridge with her husband and two children, where she enjoys running, biking, and playing kickball.